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Do you realize that it has been twenty-five years since we reignited the Danville Children’s Guild?
We are so proud our unique non-profit is not only continuing to operate, but it is growing each year. Since 1999 we have supported thirty-four different Contra Costa children’s charities, giving over 1.5 million dollars to these non-profits. We have YOU to thank for your help meeting these impressive numbers. Thank you for your years of service with the Danville Children’s Guild!
We plan to kick off our paddle raise this year recognizing the continued financial support from all current and past DCG members. Our goal is to raise $25,000 collectively from our members from the past 25 years. Wouldn’t this be an amazing way to show support for our 25th anniversary celebration?
Thank you for considering helping us with our mission to help children’s charities in Contra Costa County.