Danville Children's Guild 2017 Luncheon
Monday, November 13, 2017
Diablo Country Club



All proceeds will benefit the Katie Nues Foundation, which supports Katie's Clinic for Rett Syndrome in Walnut Creek, a model treatment center of its kind in the United States that specializes in diagnosis and comprehensive care for girls and young women with Rett Syndrome. 

Rett Syndrome is a debilitating neurological disorder diagnosed almost exclusively in girls and occurs in one of every 10,000 female births in the United States.  The Katie Nues Foundation supports a speciality clinic located in Walnut Creek.  This treatment center is a model treatment center of its kind in the United States that specializes in diagnosis and comprehensive care for girls and young women with Rett Syndrome.  (For more information, visit www.rettsyndrome.org. )